Category Archives: Challenges

something that requires thought and skill for resolution

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter X


Sometimes I see an X almost everywhere I look.



Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Letter X – X needs to be anywhere in the word or shaped like the letter X




Share Your World – November 13, 2017


Do you ever sit on a park bench for more than ten minutes?

I haven’t sat on a park bench for a very long time.  When I last did, I sat for more than 10 minutes.

When you lose electricity in a storm, do you light the candles, turn on the flashlight or use your cell phone for light?

We use a flashlight and a cell phone to light the candles.

Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers?

I would use it for myself… bills to pay.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  

No inspiration but I am thankful I’m alive.


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