10 thoughts on “Cee’s Black & White Challenge: Candid Photography”

  1. That river shot took me right back to little-girl days, as did the comfortable posture and bare feet of the wagon miss. Enjoyed those two most, but had the most sympathy for Spilled Can Man.

  2. Ah, okay but the rest aren’t so cringe-inducing=) I felt bad for the water guy, that’s happened to us all. The cat watching the rabbit out the window is GREAT!
    Have you been all over the world?

    1. thanks for stopping by Susan 🙂 I’m glad you could see the rabbit, I was worried that it might have blended in too well. I’ve been around but not to as many places as I’ve wanted too.

      1. No worries the rabbit is visible! And if anybody had trouble seeing it I bet they’d see the cat and follow its gaze on over. It looks great in black & white, cool moment to capture.

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